Selasa, 08 Januari 2013



Bila anda ingin memberikan ringkasan dari suatu cerita baik didalam film, lagu atau buku anda bisa menggunakan Text Review. Berikut Contoh Text Review:
Dalam Text Review ada bagian – bagian:
1.       Orientation: Berisi tentang latar belakang informasi dalam text.
2.       Interpretative Recount: Berisi mengenai ringkasan (summary) dari karya Seni (termauk karakter atau plot cerita)
3.       Evaluation: Berisi kesimpulan dari pernyataan: penilaian, pendapat atau saran.
4.       Evaluative Summation: Berisi tentang pendapat akhir dari penilaian sebagai kata – kata klimaks dari karya seni yang direview.
Purpose: To summarize, analyze, and respond to art works. To critique an artwork or event for a public audience.


By Peter Pole Wreck
Author: Miles Graham
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd – NY
First Edition: 1975

I have just read a book called Lost at Sea. I can give a review for you. It was written by Miles Graham. It is about four students who planned to sail from England to America.
They left England in September1973 in a small sailing-boat, but after 10 days at sea they nearly lost in a storm. The boat was badly damaged. During the storm many of their supplies were lost, so they had to catch fish. They drifted for days before they were seen by a passing ship.

This is the best adventure story I have read. It is an exciting book. Graham writes clearly and simply and I read the book in one evening.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys adventure stories. It should be a popular book among school children as well as with older readers.

Secara umum Tenses dalam Text Review adalah:
Simple Present Tense
Conjunctions (Kata Sambung) : First, … Second,…. Third, ….. Finally, …..
Kalimat penutup mempengaruhi orang lain untuk setuju dengan pendapat/ argumentasinya seperti yang ditegaskan di thesis awal sebagai kritik dan saran serta rekomendasi bagi pembaca.
The Simpsons Movie
The Simpsons Movie (Animation/Comedy, 87 minutes) is voiced by Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Harry Shearer, Tom Hanks and directed by David Silverman. The movie is released by 20th Century Fox.
What one can say – it’s the good of ‘The Simpsons TV series that my generation grew up watching and some of us never grew out of.
Eighteen years after the TV series was created it finally hits the big screen and – guess what – it’s still that grotesque picture of Springfield with that yellow, dysfunctional family, in 2-D.
Homer (Dan Castellaneta) causes a major disaster that prompts the administration of President Arnold Schwarzenegger and his plan team to implement their freak-out containment plan.
Bart is searching for a real father, Lisa is campaigning for more attention to Lake Springfield and Marge is being sentimental about their marriage.
In short, America, Springfield and the Simpsons are total chaos.
The movie is just a violent attack on other family movies and animation alike: Be prepared for an 87-minute laughing circus that leaves no stone unturned as far as comic potential is concerned.
It stays as mean and as disgusting as ever, but brilliantly sarcastic. The movie will offend no matter who you are, man or woman, child or adult, ruler or citizen, religious or agnostic, especially politicians-turned-environmental heroes.
Hell, it even makes fun of the fact that is a TV series and has running text ads in the frame.
 The picture also pays such unbelievably scrupulous attention to detail you’ll be busy catching up and not wanting to miss any of it.
Something we’re used to seeing on TV is blown up so big it becomes almost hallucinatory, which makes it a fantastic movie-going experience.

Achmad Baihaqi, M.Sc.
© Copyright by KISS July 2008
          Published and distributed by:
         Centre for Applied International Language Education

It is important to know some parts of the thing we would like to review;
For instance:
A FILM: we should know:
  1. What is the title?
  2. Who is the actor / actress?
  3. What is the film company?
  4. What is the content or flow of the story?

This video is reproduced by KISS
Courtesy of Values Com 
The Foundation For Better Life

A BOOK: We should know:
  1. What is the title?
  2. Who is the author?
  3. What is the publisher?
  4. What is the content or flow of the story?

A MUSIC: We should know:
  1. What is the title of the album?
  2. Who is the singer?
  3. What is the group of the Band?
  4. What is the producer?
  5. What is the content or message of the song or lyrics of the album?


In Evaluative Summation, we can use some figures of Speech to give a review of film, book, or music.
The figures of Speech are:
  1. Metaphor:
A metaphor is a figure of speech using some connotative words.
For example:
a.      The opposition has a stony heart.
It means: The opposition has a stiff and strong will to do.
b.      The accused was speaking in a velvet tone.
It means: The accused was speaking in a very low voice.

  1. Simile.
A simile is a figure of speech using direct example. It usually uses the words: like, seem, appear or as.
For example:
    1. He is like a snake. (Simile)
He is a snake. (Metaphor)
    1. The loss of you is like the loss of my heart.
    2. When I lose you, I am like a dying leaf.

  1. Personification.
A personification is a figure of speech using a dead thing to become alive.

For example:
    1. The floods clap their hands.
It means: The floods are inundated everywhere.
    1. The wind cares her beautiful silk hair.
It means: The wind makes her hair fly over well.

  1. Irony.
An irony is a figure of speech that is contradicted to the reality of the things being described.
For example:
    1. The chickens die of hunger in the barn of rice.
It means: it is impossible for the chickens to die of hunger where there is a lot of rice surroundings.
    1. Your smell is nice since you didn’t take a bath for a week.
It means: it is impossible for somebody to have a nice smell without taking a bath for a long time.

  1. Paradox.
A paradox is a figure of speech that is surely contradicted to the necessary condition or characteristics.
For example:
    1. The dead man is breathing.
It means: it is impossible for dead man to be able to breath.
    1. The child is father of the man.
It means: it is impossible for a child to have a son who is a man.


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