Minggu, 09 Januari 2011



Bila anda ingin menggambarkan atau menyebutkan cirri-ciri orang, benda, binatang dan kota, gunakanlah text DESCRIPTIVE. Berikut contoh text DESCRIPTIVE:
            Dalam text Descriptive ada bagian-bagian:
1.    Identification yaitu berisi kalimat yang memberikan informasi tentang, nama, jabatan, cirri khusus dari orang, benda, binatang atau tempat.
2.    Description yaitu berisi kalimat yang menyebutkan cirri-ciri fisik, kepribadian, pakaian, atau cirri lain dari obyek yang digambarkannya.

         A nine-year old Indonesian-Chinese boy has become the youngest person to gain two A grades for his British A-levels, exam usually taken at 17 or 18, local media reported on Friday. March Boedihardjo, an Indonesian-Chinese boy resident Hong Kong is the first son of Tony Boedihardjo and Lun Chin Xia. He gained an A in mathematics and one in further mathematics, while he got a B in statistics.[1]
        March was nine years and three months old when he sat the exams in one school run by the British government in Hong Kong in the summer. He has black, straight, and short hair. He has slit-eyes but a hooknose. His skin is yellow and he is still young. He is 150 cm tall and of medium built
       Tony Boediharjo claimed that his son is a kind of diligent boy. He is friendly, easy-going and open-minded. Every day he spends his a little time to help other people who need his help. He also has a good sense of humor. One thing he never forgets to bring is an electronically pocket knowledge book (laptop) on his hand.
       March is a simple boy. He likes to wear casual clothes, jeans and a T-shirt, and boots as well as a denim jacket. He doesn’t wear glasses. Moreover, his best talent is playing classical music, especially a piano. It is one of the balancing ways of his left and right brains in daily life. Not to mention, the best hobby of all his life is singing besides his routine schooling.[2]
- Compiled from various sources.

[1] Blue= Identification
[2] Red= Description

Secara umum Tenses dalam Text Descriptive adalah:
  1. Simple Present Tense.
  2. Kata Sifat (Adjectives) banyak digunakan untuk menggambarkan ciri – ciri fisik

Purpose: To describe a person, a thing, an animal or a place.
Generic Structure:
1.     Identification
It contains some information of name, occupation or special characters of person, thing, animal or place.
2.     Description
It contains descriptions of physical features, personality, dressings, and characteristics of the objects being described.

There are three elephants on the picture. They are a mother and two children. They are grassing on the field.
An elephant has certain features. It is big and strong. It has a long trunk at the front and a long tail at the back. It has big and wide ears on the left and right side. It has strong and rough skin. An elephant always walks slowly because its body is very big. It usually eats grass and leaves. It doesn’t eat meat. It drinks a lot of water every day.
Text written by Jojo – student of KISS
Elementary Level

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