Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Review Buku Aji Saka (SRI AJI JOYOAMISENI)

Review Buku Aji Saka (SRI AJI JOYOAMISENI)

Review Buku:

Aji Saka
© Copyright by KISS Maret 2013
Aji Saka
Writer                                   : Ki Haryo Sastro Kusumo
Spiritual Consultant                 : Romo R. Andik Sahuri
Lay-outer                               : Vanity
Cover Designer                      : Jocelyne
Book size                               : 16 x 21 Cm
Content                                 : 100 pages
Publisher                               : Kediri International Schools
                                                 © Copyright by KISS March 2013
Budaya Jawa pranataning uripe wong Jawa nuju kasampuraning jalma manungsa. Pranatan iki tegese pangerten lan cara. Pangerten bab urip nuduhake sapa sejatinging manungsa iku, jejer lan kewajibane. Dene cara nuduhake pakeming tumindak ing purwa, madya lan wusana ning kahanan. Uripe wong Jawa tansah njaga larasing swasana. Dadi kabeh perangane urip kaya ta pribadine dhewe, liyan, alam lan apa wae sing ana sakliyane dheweke kudu isa nampa lan nyengkuyung budine sing nuju marang kasampurnaning urip.
Wong Jawa iku nduwé watek utawa karakter sing sumberé saka kahanan "slamet", dadi kabèh sing dilakoni kudu nglairake kahanan sing sarwa slamet. Kahanan iki mung bisa digayuh yèn kabèh pasangan (urip mati, lanang wadon, awan bengi lan liya-liyané) bisa harmonis. Kanggo njaga kahanan bèn tetep harmonis, wong Jawa kudu bisa ngoncati masalah sing bisa ngganggu kaharmonisan lan uga kudu isa isa ngatasi masalah kanggo mbalèkaké kaharmonisan sing wis keganggu. Tujuan pungkasan urip harmonis iku kanggo nggayuh cita-cita utama wong Jawa yaiku manunggaling kawula lan Gusti.
Kanthi pinemu aksara Jowo – HO NO CO RO KO Tujuan iki bisa digayuh yèn wong Jawa bisa dadi menungsa sing utuh utawa dadi Aji saka liwat ajaran panulisan kang wis turun tumurun kawit rikolo taun 1000 Saka utowo 1078 Masehi tumekan saiki taun 1935 Saka utowo taun 2013.
Carita Aji Saka kui dudu carita mitos, legenda utowo kayal, ananging pancen ono tenan kawit jaman biyen. Nanging sarana jaman semono oro ono tulisan kayo jaman saiki mulo carita sing tinular saka leluhur utowo mbah mabh buyut awit biyen diarani carita carangan utowo karangan.
Mulo soko kui onone carita lan tulisan Jowo sing wis ano kui kabukti yen Penemu Tulisan Aksra Jowo HO NO CO RO KO yaiku Aji Saka sing due jeneng asli Sri Aji  JOYOAMISENI kui sejati ono lan dudu Mitos utowo Legenda.
Pramilo, seratan buku puniko dadi obor utowo semangat kanggo para sarjono, ahli sejarah, ahli purbakala, lan ahli ngelmu liyane, ayo podo nyengkuyung bukti ake yen penemu Aji Saka kui bener bener priyayi soko negari Kadhiri ing jaman biyen, ojo nganti digawe wong liyo kang ora mangerteni sopo sejatine  priyayi engkang  jejuluk Aji Saka sing due asma asli Sri Aji JOYOAMISENI, yaiku trah soko kraton Kadhiri isih kapilah putu soko Sri Aji Joyoboyo.
Pramilo puniko Serat dateng kitab (buku) puniko ingkang mbabar aken Aji Saka puniko priyayi Kadhiri lan Moksa wonten tlatah Kediri saged dipun padosi panggenanipun saged damel bukti yen Carita Aji Saka meniko lan huruf HO NO CO RO KO ingkang sampun diakeni kaliyen UNESCO organisasi PBB sanes carito Mitos – Legende utowi carito kayal.
Monggo kito suwun para ahli sareng sareng buktekaken seratan ing  buku puniko kaliyan ngelmu ingkang saking pikiran utawi akal (ilmu ilmiah) lan ngelmu saking raos lebet ing bathos (ilmu spiritual dalam), ing jaman samangke para sarjono lan para ahli bakal ngendiko yen Carito Aji Saka kui bener bener nyoto lan ono.
Kediri, Maret 2013

The Javanese Culture is the way of life Javanese to gain the perfection of human beings. The way of life means understanding and knowing how to apply. The understanding of life (methods) teaches who the human beings are actually and teaches what the obligations of the humans themselves have to do, while the methods teach the way of good life in the past, present and future. The way of life of Javanese people always keep a harmony with surroundings. Therefore all kinds of existences such as personal characters, other people and anything outside of the self should be accepted to nurture the human characters aimed at the perfection of living.
The Javanese people have certain characters from the secure “Slamet” situation, so that what all humans do should produce the conducive and peace as well as secure condition. The condition can be achieved when the pairs of living (such as live – dead, male – female, day and night and so on) are harmonious. To maintain the harmonious condition, the Javanese people should avoid all troubles disturbing the harmony and they should be able to recover all problems to take back the harmony. The aim of ultimate life through harmony is to achieve the main ideas of Javanese people that is the Unity between human beings and God.
To create the Javanese Alphabets – HO NO CO RO KO the aim of it can be gained when Javanese people can be a whole human being or be Aji Saka (One mighty weapon) through the writing of Javanese Script from 1000 Saka year or 1078 A.D. until today the year of 1935 Saka or 2013 A.D.
The story of Aji Saka is not merely mythical story, legend or fiction, but it has been a true story since   a long ago. Because of the limited written instruments a long ago comparing to those of today, the story was only to retell from mouth to mouth by our ancestors and then modern people consider that is a fiction story.
Thus, the existence of the story and the Javanese script, it is evidence that the creator of the Javanese script Ho NO CO RO KO, AJI SAKA, whose real name Sri Aji  JOYOAMISENI , the Writer or Creator was a real man and existed in that era not just mythical story, legend or fiction.
Threfore, the writing in this book can be a torch or spirit (guide) for all experts for history, archeology, and other sciences, let us work together to prove that AJI SAKA really existed in the past , he came from Kadhiri in order that  foreign people or other people that  do not really understand who Aji Saka is clamed that the Man came from other coutries out of Java island. He whose real name Sri Aji  JOYOAMISENI is the heritage of Kadhiri Kingdom – a grandson of Sri Aji Joyoboyo
This book also explains Aji Saka the man of Kadhiri and Moksa  - Vanished in Kediri area can be traced back then it can be scientifically historic artifacts of the Aji Saka History and the Javanese Transcript HO NO CO RO KO that has been internationally acknowledged by UNESCO is not merely mythical story, legend or fiction.
I really beg, hopefully, all experts can work together to find and prove what has been written in this book to be real by using our brain (scientific thoughts) and deep heart instinct (spiritual knowledge and experience), thus all of the experts someday would say that the History of Aji Saka is True.
Thank you.
Kediri, March 2013

Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:
Mr. A. Baihaqi
Jln. Wisma Podomoro A/3 no 1 Sukorame 64114 Kediri – East Java
Telp. (0354) 7150570   HP+628563482742


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